
The Vicar's Newsletter 

Dear friends,

We look forward to welcoming you to our services this Holy Week, the most important time in the Christian year.

EASTER DAY 31st March

8am Holy Communion

10am Festal Communion for all the family

-          with lighting of the Easter candle from the new fire, blessing of the Easter Garden, Holy Communion and more;

followed by a glass of fizz for the grown-ups and an Easter egg hunt for the children



Annual Meeting of Parishioners and Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) Sunday 28th April in the Jubilee Room attached to the church after the 10am service

At these meetings parish church officers are elected and reports and accounts are presented for the past year.  [NB Only those on the electoral roll of the parish or who live in the parish and are on the register of local government electors are entitled to vote at the first meeting at which the churchwardens are elected; only those on the electoral roll of the parish are entitled to attend and vote at the APCM when we will be electing members of the Parochial Church Council (PCC)].  We do need more people to join us on our PCC and to serve in other rôles.  If you would be interested in serving as a member of the PCC or think you could offer ‘time and talents’ in other ways, please speak to me as soon as possible. 


Regular services

Sundays: weekly 8am and 10am Holy Communion

Messy Church on the second Saturday of the month for all ages but particularly suitable for families with young and school-aged children; next service Saturday 13th April; details in the parish magazine or from Gussie Walsh 275645.

Little Stars Adult, Baby and Toddler Group Tuesdays 10.00-11.30am in the Church Hall during school term-time; last session of this term 26th March including a visit to the Easter Garden in church.



Lord, your love is broken open

among cheering crowds and traitor’s coins,

deserting friends and hands washed clean,

the mockery of power and the baying mob:

as we follow your way of passion,

give us the faith

to bring our weak and divided hearts

to the foot of the cross

and the door of the guarded tomb

that they might be opened,

astonished and healed;

through Jesus Christ, who carries the weight of the world.  Amen.

(Steven Shakespeare)


With my love and prayers as always,


Please note my new email address:


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